
martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Book Recommendations

Hi! Today I feel like recomending books to you. You know, I really love to read, I'm a little cursi haha so most of the books I've read tell stories about a boy and a girl with happy or tragic endings. Anyway, I hope you find interesting the books I'm about to mention and go look for them. Lets start.

"Songs for Paula"
The book talks about Paula a 16 year old girl who met a boy on the internet, Angel. Angel is 22. The day Paula and Angel were supposed to meet for the first time he didn't show up...while Paula was waiting for him she met a boy named Alex. Suprisingly Alex and Paula were reading the same book. 
This book is fun, is shocking, it keeps you begging for more and you won't be able to stop reading.

"Thirteen Reasons Why"
This book is a shocking and unexpected novel that tells us the story of a girl named Hannah, Hannah attempt suicide, and in this book she gives every single reason that led her to this decision with detail. Many teenagers can feel identified with the book in two ways: you may think that everybody is against you and that nobody loves you, but reality is that people is always so busy with their lives that they don't see what effects they cause on other people. The second one is that "Thirteen Reasons Why" can open your eyes to help someone.

"Eleanor and Park"
A wonderful, romantic, spontaneous and unexpected book about two outsiders who fell in love, leaving behind all the differences between them and all the comments that other guys could make about their relationship.
Follow the path of love and you may find happiness.

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Cute Polish

Want to paint your nails but your tired of just painting them one color?
I think you should try this:
It looks chic and also very original, you may be thinking right now: How am I going to create this by myself in my own nails?! But it is actually very easy. Just follow the next steps:
  • First, add a base coat to protect your nails.
  • Then, paint your nails white.
  • Next, go get some alcohol, the one that you buy at the drug store. Get a tupper and pour the alcohol inside of it, grab a piece of newspaper and dip it into the alcohol for about 2 seconds. 
  • Take out the piece of newspaper and press it firmly into your nail for about 10 seconds.
  • Pull the newspaper off and the ink form the words would be left behind.
  • Apply a top coat (transparent one) to protect the ink to fall. 
YOUR NAILS ARE READY! For more details watch the video:

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Songs of the week

Our favorite songs over the week 

Lulu's favorite song 

Mapau's favorite song 

Regina's favorite song 

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014


Relationships for teenagers and indispensable. In this part of our lives we feel the need to have someone by our sides all the time. We need friends for school, we need someone to study with, we need a friend for parties, a friend that accompany you to exercise, someone to laugh with, someone to cry on and just be yourself with.

But we have to choose who we really want in our life to be with us, because sometimes we don´t choose our friends correctly and then the problems come.
                                                                                                      Friends can help us because they can:

  • Increase our sense of belonging and purpose.
  • Boost our happiness and reduce your stress
  • Improve our self-confidence.
  • Encourage our to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014


"Nothing lasts forever." "Everything has an end." "Happy endings don't exist"

Who of us haven't heard any of these quotes? I think everyone has, but you know, they may be true...sometimes. Teenagers feel the need to be in a relationship so desperately that they don't take the time to choose correctly. We find ourselves going out with the worst guy in school, the biggest loser, or the womanizer and...why? We don't know why but there's something in them that we find attractive. Sometimes is the aggression they have, we want to feel more independent, or they m
ake us feel older, and we're just wrong, nothing of these is true, just the opposite. Usually those guys are the more immature in the classroom, they just focus on things that don't really matter. That's why when you pick one of these boys to be your boyfriend you find yourself two weeks from now, alone crying in your bedside, questioning: what did I do wrong? Did he find someone better? And the answer to all of your questions is simple, they just don't want to compromise! It has nothing to do with you, it's just them.

Recipe to go through a break-up:
- Materials:
Sad songs, a blanket and a hole box of tissues. Friends, family, a pijama party, long walks with you
r dog and a trash can.
1. The first thing you need to do is go to your room, then take the blanket, the box of tissues and put the sad songs in the top volume. Remember everything you want to remember, get mad, scream as much as you want and cry until you eyes are dry.
2. Next, spent all the time you need with your family, let them show you all the love they can, hug them and kiss them as you please.
3. On the week-end call out your friends and throw a pijama party, is a great way to talk about boys, share secrets, laugh, watch a movie and just feel safe with the ones that know you better.
4. Take your dog for a long walk, this way you will relax, and clear your mind.
5. For last, grab the trash can and throw away every picture, letters and memories, doing this you won't fall into the past and feel sad looking at all the memories.
Conclusions: Now your free! 

Here I quote a movie that I absolutely love, 17 Again. "When you're young everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not; it's just the beginning. You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you." 

Be happy and learn from every mistake. Take your time, you may need a little more than a week to recover from a break-up, but as Mike O'Donnell said, it's just the beginning, more boys will come to your life, just focus on your needs and what you really look for in a relationship. Good luck girl, now change your perspective of the situation and think of what that immature boy has lost!

10 effective beauty tips

1. Carrots are good for the hair. A healthy diet leads to a beautiful you.
2. For makeup that lasts all day and night, use a makeup-sealing product like a setting spray.
3. When you sleep braid your hair, it helps you to avoid tangled hair.
4. Winter can be especially harsh on your hair leaving it extra dry. Use an avocado oil hair mask.
5. Always wash your makeup off before bed.
6. Use a cream or milk cleanser to wash your face. Creams are less drying than gels.
7.Hydrate your under-eye area with an eye cream to prevent puffiness and bags.
8.The healthier you are, the healthier your hair! Take a daily multi-vitamin with Biotin to help hair grow faster.
9.If you straighten your hair with a flat iron, cause less heat damage by letting hair air dry. The less heat, the better!
10. During the summer, wear lip balm or gloss with SPF.

Here is a tutorial for the avocado oil hair mask

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


Have you ever had the sense that your parents don't get you?
Every teenager has had it and right know is happening to me. I have a boyfriend, and every time I ask for permission of my parents to go to his house or to something related with my boyfriend's family seems like I was asking for permission to go to a night club. It's frustaring because they've always recognize the good daughter I am, and how responsible I can be, but when it comes to permissions it looks like they have no confidence in me at all!!
My mother used to tell me all this excuses for not letting me go, and the worst thing is that they're so silly! And no matter what I do or what I say, she will always have an excuse planned.
The first time I asked my mom to go out with him and his family, the excuse she used was that we hadn't been together that long for me to go alone with them...okay, I couldn't say anything about that, she wouldn't let me go anyway. She'll also would say: "Take it easy, you'd just been together for 3 months, later on there would be more permissions". And now that we've been together for almost a year, she's still using the same excuse!! I really don't understand.
I know parents have their reasons, and I get that they feel the need to protect me and want to take care of us so nothing wrong happen to us. I think that they also need to show us that they trust us, because what my parents are doing is telling me with actions that they don't trust me, and as you can see this affects a lot, also because if they don't trust me how am I going to trust myself and believe that I can do things and have the ability to say no?

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014


As we know one of the most importan problems that teenengarse have is Gossip.
Gossip may only be one person passing on personal information about someone else but it can also be in the horrible  form of slander and accusation that can injure a teen’s self-esteem. This is something awful becuase it isnt the true as the people think, its just an accusation that hurt the person that we are talking about . 
Some parents may tell us  not to care about what others say about us,  but we usally care very deeply and we say that we dont care.
So to all of you that like to gossp or that belive in those I sujest you to dont to that because we are hurting them.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Body Image

Body Image

Body image is a hot topic among teenage girls and boys, but first we need to know what body image is, your body image is how and what you think and feel about your body. It also includes the picture of your body that you have in your own mind, which might or might not match your body’s actual shape and size.

Body image can change, and is  connected to your self-esteem. When you feel good about your body, you feel good about yourself.

Some risk factors for negative body image:

  • feel pressure from family, friends or media to conform to a social ideal of beauty and attractiveness
  • have low self-esteem
  • being a girl- adolescent girls are more likely to develop body image issues than boys, and are more likely to feel pressure to conform to ‘ideal’ body images (but many boys also feel this way)